School Closures

Procedures in the event of an emergency school closure

There may be occasions where we regretfully have to close the school in the event of an emergency, such as bad weather, or when we feel it would be a health and safety risk for students to attend.

In the event that we do have to close, information can be accessed in the following ways:

1. An e-mail will be sent via Parentmail to all parents and carers who have informed us of their e-mail address, and a message will be sent on DOJO. These will be the fastest and easiest ways of receiving news of a closure so please ensure that we have your most up to date details on our records.

2. The school website will be updated with relevant news ( Closures will be displayed on the scrolling banner on the main home page.

3. The Essex County Council website will be updated with news of all school closures ( Follow the link Schools and learning > Schools > Emergency School Closures > Check school closures.

Please note that local radio stations will not announce school closures.